Everything about shiatsu massage

Everything about shiatsu massage
 Shiatsu massage technique is one of the most ancient. She was born in Japan in the beginning of II century BC In Japan, shiatsu massage is the basic foundation and translates as "finger pressure". There is a legend that appeared thanks to shiatsu blind Chinese, who traveled to Japan, and revealed their secrets.

At the present stage of development associated with the name Shiatsu Namikoshi Tokuiro. They say he was seven years old developed his technique of Shiatsu, when he wanted using finger pressure on specific points of the body to cure his mother from rheumatoid arthritis. When Tokuiro Namikoshi grew up, he became the founder of the Japan Shiatsu College, so this technique of traditional treatments received the status of official practice, approved by the Ministry of Health of many countries.

Shiatsu massage is a treatment aimed at promoting human health and the prevention of many diseases.
He is able to activate the power of the body, promote muscle relaxation and significantly increase productivity. In addition, the Shiatsu massage has beneficial effects on the human nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Shiatsu massage carried out with the help of compressions on different points of the body with fingers and palms of the hands or special massage balls "Ki-gong".
Currently Shiatsu is one of the most famous areas of massage.
Most people around the world are admirers shiatsu techniques. In Japan, it is necessary to practice shiatsu for three years to unlearn in college and get a license from the Ministry of Health.

In our country, wanting to feel the effects of shiatsu massage you may encounter charlatans. Therefore, it is best to get a traditional session using a massage chair that is capable of using a scanner to find the required points on the client's body and begin to act on them.

Massage chairs are manufactured in China or Japan, as the only inhabitants of these countries understand a lot about technology shiatsu.
Furthermore, in these countries after the massage chairs are manufacturing quality control, the results of which are certified.

Tags: massage

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