Calcium deficiency in the body: the symptoms and signs. What foods contain calcium

 For normal operation of the systems of the body, we need a variety of vitamins and mineral elements - this fact is not in doubt. But often we do not attach much importance to it and continue to believe that everything you need can be obtained from food. Without taking into account the environment of modern cities, a genetic predisposition to disease and other factors, we often do provoke shortage of nutrients and as a result, serious illnesses. Today women's magazine JustLady devotes his story one of the most difficult phenomena - a lack of calcium in the body.

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It is considered thatcalcium deficiency more characteristic of older people, and here lies the most dangerous mistake. The fact is that over the years lose calcium and not paying attention to his fill, in old age, we obtain a natural result of such negligence, namely osteoporosis.

According to specialists,lack of calcium in the body provokes the appearance of the order of a hundred different diseases. Among them, heart disease, kidney disease, neurological and nervous disorders and more.

Signs of calcium deficiency

One of the obvious signs of calcium deficiency can be considered as brittle bones and pain in them. If you fall and hurt yourself even not really, but a broken arm or leg - it's a symptom.

Brittle nails, hair, dental disease (crumble, cracks in the enamel) are alsosymptoms of calcium deficiency in the body.

From the nervous systemcalcium deficiency may manifest as irritability, fatigue, anxiety. If you love sports, pay attention to suchsymptom of calcium deficiencyAs frequent seizures. The fragility of blood vessels, high blood pressure, facial paralysis and even premature graying can besigns of calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency in the body: the symptoms and signs. What foods contain calcium

Calcium deficiency in children

Particularly dangerouscalcium deficiency in children. Average intake of this element provides a normal growth and development not only bones, but also the whole organism. Calcium deficiency at an early age can lead to diseases such as multiple sclerosis, in the later years.

Calcium deficiency in children disturbs the formation of bones, teeth, pathological changes in the eye's lens, nervous disorders, irritability, convulsions. One of the hazards caused by calcium deficiency in children can be considered poor blood clotting.

Children are mobile and restless, often receive minor injuries and cuts, and poor clotting in this case can be fatal.

How to make up for the lack of calcium in the body

First of all you need to choose a good vitamin complex with calcium and elements accompanying its assimilation. For example, calcium is poorly absorbed without vitamin D, it must be considered in the selection of vitamins for both adults and children. Together with the calcium we need phosphorus - that he, along with calcium is deposited in bones and strengthens them. If calcium deficiency led to inflammatory diseases, you need to add and magnesium.

If you decide to make up for the lack of calcium should be paid attention tofoods that contain calcium.

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What foods contain calcium

The first is, of course, milk and milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt. They need to eat every daythe symptoms of calcium deficiencyAs well as the three main groups of people most prone to hypocalcemia: children, pregnant women, the elderly.

In fish products also contain a lot of calcium. Atlack of calcium in the body pay attention to the meat of salmon, sardines are also rich in them.

And of course the calcium found in plant foods, especially salad vegetables (celery, cabbage, lettuce) and greenery. They are rich in a variety of seeds and nuts. Good source of calcium - eggs.

However, if you are going tocompensate for the deficiency of calcium using the products, it is necessary to draw attention to some of the factors that hinder the absorption of the substance.

This is primarily fat. If it is a lack of calcium in children, it is necessary to specifically monitor this, as the fat forms insoluble compounds with calcium which is not absorbed by the intestine. Adults also need to know that the higher the fat content kaltsiesoderzhaschih products, the less calcium in them.

You should also pay to take into account that some substances contribute to very rapid removal of calcium from the body. If you like carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, some productsreplenish calcium deficiency will be insufficient. The fact that the drink contains the active substances together with a calcium deducing urine.

Kids are also not recommended acidic foods, foods that contain a lot of fiber, chocolate - they interfere with the absorption of calcium and can provoke calcium deficiency in children.

From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to make up for the lack of calcium a sensible diet based on foods that contain calcium, good vitamins and restrictions in the use of some products that prevent the digestibility of the substance.

In order to remedy the lack of calcium in infants diet must comply with nursing mother. Thus, it not only will protect the child from the deficit, but makes up for its losses related to pregnancy.

If you notice anysymptoms of calcium deficiency in the body, it is best to consult a doctor. He will help you choose the right diet and prescribe additional calcium supplementation. With self-treatment of possible oversupply of calcium, which is also dangerous for the body.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, pregnancy, nail, stomach, massage, walnut, phosphorus, product, iron, vegetable complex, nutrition, recovery, substance content, newborn, lack, diet, disease, vitamin-rich, calcium, disease, element, child, symptom removal, sign, filling, lack, deficiency, magnesium, grudnichok

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