Personal qualities of people

Personal qualities of people
 Women as well as men have the ability to self-realization, not only in social and family life, but also in the professional field. In the style of female and male leadership have marked differences, women leaders have strong interests withstand high emotional stress, are better able to adapt to circumstances.

Personal qualities of any person not related to the education and work, but the personality is formed under the influence of personal factors. They genetically inherent in every human being, their correction is possible occasionally in small ranges.

Basic personality traits manifest themselves in the peculiarities of temperament and self-esteem.
Personality types are divided into: extroverts, introverts, emotionally stable and emotionally unstable people.
Extroverts need constant stimulation, they looseness, quick-tempered, overly cheerful, very sociable and have a propensity to take risks.
Introverts do not need external stimuli, they take strength from within, not sociable, closed, slow, but have a rich inner world.

Emotionally stable personality-balanced, do not rush to extremes, are persistent.
Emotionally-unstable people are in constant tension, are afraid of something, worry too sensitive to their mistakes.
Unfortunately, very rarely, when the personal qualities of the person coincide with the demands of professional activity, since it affects the level of development of the profession. There is no equally important qualities for a particular sphere of activity.

The most important personal qualities are considered self-reliance, hard work, commitment, reliability, steadiness, vigor and initiative. These qualities have all the successful people who have achieved a lot in his life.
The main thing is that each individual quality was balanced, otherwise it will find the opposite meaning.
A whole series of negative personality traits that hinder the harmonious existence: rudeness, arrogance, impatience, irascibility, irritability, haste, greed.
Throughout a person's life are formed personality, gradually acquires more precise boundaries. Influenced by the external environment, social status and lifestyle.

Tags: quality, people, style, influence, personality

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