Why numb fingers

Why numb fingers
 Numbness of the hands may be temporary or permanent. The reasons are many: from awkward postures of the body to a serious illness that requires mandatory treatment.
 One of the common reasons why numb hands, is the presence of the syndrome karparalnogo channel. When this violation occurs inflammation and swelling of the tendons that pinches the nerve passing through the channel.

The second reason is considered to be terminal neurovascular bundle. This can happen in the case of uneven distribution of muscular exercise, metabolic disorders in the body, injury, disorders of the endocrine system, intoxication and emotional exhaustion.

Numbness of the hands and fingers often occurs when the spinal discs in the thoracic. For example, with a long stay in the same body position during sleep at an uncomfortable position.

If numb fingers of the left hand, it is a symptom of degenerative disc disease of the spine. Usually accompanied by weakness in the limbs and pain.

When the ring finger numbness and thumb should pay attention to the cardiovascular system. This symptom may be a harbinger of stroke, so need help medical professionals.

It should be noted that often the cause of numbness in the fingers is a deficiency disease that appears in early spring. To eliminate it is necessary to enrich the diet with vitamins A and group B.

If numb fingers of his right hand, it may be caused by professional activities. For example, when performing monotonous manipulation, which involves small muscles of the hand. This disease is common among computer users, milkmaids, seamstresses, knitters, workers on the assembly line, etc.

For the prevention of numbness of the fingers do not allow extreme temperatures, watch for the state of the joints and blood vessels, occasionally let his hands rest. You can do some simple exercises that will relieve your stress: the circular motion of the brush, shaking, alternating compression and relaxation fist.

Tags: hand, finger, care, tendon, numbness

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