Photoaging - damage to various skin layers, including deep occurring as a result of complex biological processes in the body. Scientists say that a bad habit of smoking and excess fat can make the skin more susceptible to the harmful effects of sunlight and hence to photoaging. As a result of photoaging of the skin surface appears rough, dark spots, wrinkles, visible blood vessels.
American scientists in 2002 examined 65 pairs of identical twins. Study was carried twins aged 18 to 77 years. They are filled with a special questionnaire, which contained questions about their weight, skin type, smoking and drinking habits. The results were calculated using a points system. A certain number is assigned to each twin of a certain degree of wrinkling and pigmentation changes.
As a result of research, scientists have concluded that photoaging affects overweight and smoking. They claim that 40% of visible changes occurred as a result increase the impact of external factors on the aging process, whereas genetic factors identified them by 60%. Ironically, on the aging process, according to researchers, does not affect the use of alcohol. Scientists believe that quitting smoking and overeating can prolong youth.