Do not underestimate the role of eyebrows in creating an attractive appearance. Beautiful eyebrows able to open and highlight your eyes, adjust the face oval, visually enlarge the forehead and nose smaller. You will be amazed with the result, even if your face away from the canons of the golden section.
The classical form of the eyebrows is considered thin smooth arc that starts on the inside corner and ends its external angle. But eyebrows can be fused to the nose, straight, with a break, round, short, wide or colorless. Do not strive for perfection, sometimes you just have to emphasize natural shape that suits your face type.
Look in the mirror. How do you assess your face? Round or oval, broad or narrow?
Now draw an imaginary vertical line from the edge of the nostrils up to the eyebrows. At this point, should start head - base eyebrows, her thickened part. The next line - from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye, mark the spot where the brow should be pumped tail. A line drawn from the nose through the outer edge of the iris, indicate the highest point bending eyebrows. This form will not be optically suppress opinion, make it dark, harsh or sad.
However, this form is not suitable for eyebrows to each person. Soft rounded individuals with full lips are more suitable as soft, without breaks, eyebrows. Triangular face may be rounded visually, adjusting eyebrows from the outside. In severe chin eyebrow correction is carried out in the area of the nose.
If you have decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you can start a correction. You will need area with good lighting, mirror and tweezers. Better to take a magnifying mirror, it is good to see the whole field. Tweezers should be clean, with flat ends, without chipping, easily and securely exciting individual hairs. You will also need a comb or brush for eyebrows, small nail clippers, lotion for skin disinfection.
Eyebrow comb brush along the hair growth. Mark the lower contour pencil eyebrows. Lubricate the skin under the brow moisturizing cream, tweezers to better gliding. His left hand and gently stretch the skin pluck hairs with tweezers strictly in the direction of hair growth.
Capture individual hairs close to the base. Plucking, starting from the inner edge and working your way to the outer corner, trying not to go beyond the drawn contour. Do not grab a few hairs - you can make bald spots, which have long to mask the pencil. Removes hair in rows, starting from age and moving higher. The upper limit of the eyebrows is better not to touch it, the higher the line of the eyebrows, the eyes appear larger. Individual hairs on the upper boundary is better to remove at the end of correction, when you will be able to evaluate your image as a whole.
If the result you want - repeat the same thing with the second eyebrow. Eyebrow comb brush vertically. Typically, all the hairs have roughly the same length, but with age, some of them grow up to several centimeters. Such individual hairs best trim shear, not pluck.
After the procedure, wipe the skin lotion for disinfection. If the skin of the eyelids swollen and reddened - apply a cold compress with green tea, decoction of chamomile or cornflower.
This procedure is best done in the evening to the morning went redness and swelling. It is not necessary to adjust the eyebrows alone for an hour before an important event.