Tobacco smoke that the smoker exhales contains 5 times the carbon monoxide is 50 times - nicotine harmful tar, ammonia, as well as radioactive substances, which he breathes himself. Thus, the most harmful contaminants entering the environment. Passive smokers expose themselves to greater danger than myself is a smoke directly. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is equivalent to a voluntary trip to the radioactive zone. Completely useless to lead a healthy lifestyle, watch your diet, health, exercise and on a par with those living with a smoker or be in the presence of smokers. In this situation, all of man's efforts to maintain their health and good shape simply reduced to zero.
From passive smoking affects everyone. The greatest harm it has on a growing child's body and the body of pregnant women. Children who are forced to inhale tobacco smoke, often suffer allergic reactions, they are worse than develop, fall behind in school, often suffer from colds and bronchitis. In passive smokers decreased immunity, and the body can not cope with infections on their own.
Smoking in the presence of pregnant women in general is a crime. Woman inhaling tobacco smoke, being in a smoky room, can not convey the pregnancy, and the child is born dead. Fruit directly receives more pollutants than the woman, as they do it in a concentrated form. Children whose mothers were passive smokers, are born with low birth weight, prematurity, sometimes with severe physical disabilities. They lag behind in development, often sick, have poorly developed sucking reflex. Therefore, the woman herself and those around her people should think about the health of the next generation. Totally crazy, when such danger exposes pregnant woman to her husband, who should first take care of the health of his wife and child.
Harm from passive smoking may occur years later. It is expressed in cancer, asthma attacks and other severe pathologies.
Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on 1 January 2002, restricts smoking in public places, but this measure is quite insufficient to protect Russian citizens from passive smoking, and thereby preserve the health of the nation. The government is obliged to provide for more stringent measures to punish smokers who shamelessly endanger others.