Well restore ciliated airway epithelium inhalation hlorfilliptom. To do this, add a quarter teaspoon of the drug in a glass of hot water and makes the procedure of 10 minutes daily for 7 days. From folk remedies used infusion of bay leaf, in addition to cleansing the pulmonary epithelium, it still stimulates the immune system. To make it, take 6 lavrushki leaves, put them in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Insists he will be 12 hours and then take a third cup 3 times a day before meals. Contraindication receiving this money is pregnancy.
When smoking is also damaged vessels, their walls gradually lose their elasticity. The risk of atherosclerosis in smokers is 10 times higher than in non-smokers. To restore the elasticity of the vascular wall, start taking vitamin PP and Riboxinum. Do not forget about drinking regime, during the cold season daily volume of fluid intake should be at least 1, 5 liters, and in hot weather - not less than 2 liters. If your work involves prolonged periods of sitting, periodically arrange breaks and do exercises are also useful daily jogging outdoors. So you can avoid congestion in the limbs and prevent blood clots. From folk remedies to strengthen the blood vessels take decoction of chamomile, yarrow flowers and birch buds. For this to 2 tablespoons of herbs pour boiling water in an amount of 0, 5 liters and leave for 30 minutes. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink for half an hour before meals, morning and evening for 3 months.
Effects of exposure to nicotine is also a violation of the digestive system. Smoke decreased production of saliva and gastric juice, slowing intestinal motility and disturbed digestion. In order to eliminate these effects start to follow a diet with restriction of spicy, fried and salty foods. Do not forget the old rule: "Eat breakfast myself, dinner Share with a friend, and dinner give to the enemy." Of drugs for digestive enzymes help best, but before applying them be sure to check with your doctor, gastroenterologist. To accelerate the elimination of toxins from the intestinal adsorbents can drink and herbal laxatives rate of not more than 10 days. If there are signs of gastritis, include in the daily diet of cereals and soups pudding for 30 minutes before eating.
Addicted to bad habits can be fairly easily. And in order to regain health, take time and effort. The main thing is not to turn from the path started, and soon you will get rid of the consequences of addiction.