Ministry of Health warns
Woman with a cigarette in his hand - a spectacle, has long been almost no one shocking. For many of us, unfortunately, smoking has become not only commonplace, but also an essential element of existence. And the lack of cigarettes is a concern, and we rush to the nearest store and buy a pack of pleasant, and we do not pay attention to the fact that each of them sinister black letters signified: "Ministry of Health warns - smoking is dangerous to your health ..." This phrase is very few people scary, because health - very abstract concept. And is such until until announced by a substantial failures, poverty and which require considerable effort and money.
So what is our each pack of cigarettes so carefully warned the Ministry of Health? And he warns about many things. Tobacco smoke, which we breathe in an indescribable pleasure, contains over four thousand chemicals, including highly toxic substances. Also nicotine, which include arsenic, formaldehyde, benzene, hydrogen cyanide and other harmful components causing destructive changes in muscle tissues. Such changes - an extremely favorable factor for the development of various kinds of cancer, and it would seem, this fact alone should already make people forget about cigarettes forever. But - no! "Cancer - is someone, but not me! "- Shrugs off such warnings we are pulling out another cigarette packs.
And for good reason. After all, first of all,effects of smoking impact on our youth and beauty. Wrinkles at the lovers of cigarettes appear much earlier than non-smoking women. The skin under the influence of tobacco smoke quickly loses its firmness and elasticity, becomes dry, cringes, turn gray. Normal collagen synthesis process it is broken, resulting in the regeneration process of the skin takes place slowly. As a result, after a short time on the face appear quite deep wrinkles, which are especially noticeable in the lips, around the eyes and on the forehead.
Those who smoke very often on the fingers and nails appear yellow spots, which may eventually turn brown. The number of free radicals such people is significantly increased, the aging process is activated and is much faster than that of nonsmokers.
Diseases caused by smoking
Effects of smokingGenerally represent fairly bleak picture. Very much of them suffer course, light at which tobacco smoke is deposited in the form of resins. Such a shell, preventing the normal operation of the respiratory organs, impedes the flow of oxygen in human blood. His brain, lacking oxygen functions weakened, resulting in loss of memory, attention levels, ability to fast response and so on. Needless to say, as the negative impact smoking in creativity!
However, this is not the most unpleasanteffects of smoking - In the end, not everyone seek to maximize realize their intellectual abilities. But to be physically healthy and maintain their youth and beauty for many years dreaming about everything. However, with heavy dependence on tobacco hope for implementation of these dreams is very weak. For example, according to statistics, the world each year from diseases caused by smoking kills about five million people. Some of them die from cardiovascular disease, and some - from a variety of lung diseases and cancer.
Effects of smoking impact on the content of vitamin C in the body, the level of which is markedly reduced, causing thereby deterioration of the general state of the immune system. Smokers often suffer from colds and flu, which often go to various complications.
Smoking causes diseases of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and urinary systems. It is impossible to predict in advance that our body will amaze nicotine - this insidious enemy hits the sly, but surely. And it can strike anywhere.
Is harmful not only to tobacco smoke, but also its relatively high temperature, which, if inhaled smoke that destroys tooth enamel, affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose and throat, irritated bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach. As a result, smokers are becoming increasingly vulnerable to a number of diseases, some of which very quickly becomes chronic. Smokers are much more likely than nonsmokers to suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis, tuberculosis, disorders of the central nervous system.
Especially dangerous effects of smoking for adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. The risk of preterm birth in women who smoke nearly twice the risk for women smoking. Fruit of smokers completely protected from toxins. He is not getting enough oxygen and slowly, often with some pathologies develop. These children after birth often suffer from anemia, weakened, poorly gaining weight.
Passive smokers are not less active suffer from the effects of smoking, because they involuntarily inhale smoke with almost the same range of harmful substances. Thus, whether we like it or not, our bad habits affect the health of others, being no longer an individual, but a common problem.
Why should consciously create so many problems? After smoking - it's just a habit that, but harm, brings nothing. And stop smoking can almost everything. Even if it is very difficult, it's worth it. Because life without such habits becomes brighter, happier and more prosperous.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady