Relaxing facial massage

Relaxing facial massage
 During the day, one uses not only the muscles of the arms, legs, and trunk, but also the facial muscles that result in motion mimics, and, accordingly, not less tired. Frequent squinting eyes, shifting of the eyebrows, smiling, frowning forehead and even chewing food drive the 57 facial muscles. In order to relax them, you need a massage.

Before performing a relaxing massage, clean the face of makeup, stay comfortable and a couple of minutes to breathe steadily and deeply. Technician relaxing massage for the face are many, but you can try your own some of them. They will be able to quickly relieve muscle tension, and even headaches.

Place the palms on the forehead so that the two ring fingers were on the eyebrows. Raises an eyebrow, overcoming the resistance of the fingers. At the same time the thumb and forefinger pull the skin forward. This exercise is not only relaxing, but also smoothes the wrinkles on the forehead.

Classic relaxing massage

Every evening, spend the following procedure: a good rubbing together (to warm his hands), put them on the face of a small house. Let the skin will feel the warmth of your hands. Start moving lightly massage, stretching skin under the eyes. It does not bend the palm, keep them straight - repeat 5 times.

Go to the next station: slide both hands up from the base of the nose in the direction of eyebrows and hand over to the temples. Gently but vigorously straighten the eyebrow area - repeat 5 times.

Put together, palms of both hands, place the center of the forehead, so that the soft part of the palms located at the middle, and the fingers facing forward. Slowly dilute hands towards the temples - repeat 5 times.

Without bending your hands, massage the area at the temples in a circular motion with light pressure. Slowly down her cheeks and jaw, paying particular attention to the latter. Now you can knock lightly with fingertips across the surface of the face, especially the eyelids (top and bottom) and cheeks.

In conclusion, relaxing massage, massage the skin under the hair. Open palms walk from crown to nape. Slightly shook his head and make sure that the head and face completely relaxed.

Tags: face, massage techniques, performance