Massage with honey of cellulite

Massage with honey of cellulite
 Honey is used for cosmetic purposes for a long time - it is added to the masks, compresses, wraps, massage and use as peeling. Honey massage is used to get rid of the "orange" peel and remove toxins, excess fluid.
 Honey massage warms tissue opens and cleanses pores, removes toxins and waste substances, increases blood circulation, which contributes to the elimination of stagnation. Honey absorbs toxins and gets off in clumps, which can then rinse with warm water. Getting rid of cellulite does not happen immediately - you will need 15 to 30 regular (daily or every other day) procedures to the effect of honey massage has become noticeable.

For massage you need a natural liquid honey without any additives, as well as essential oils to enhance the effect of the procedure (rosemary, eucalyptus, grapefruit, orange). Consumption of honey per procedure (for example, buttocks) is about 4 teaspoons and depends on the volume of the body.

Add the honey essential oil, apply a small amount on the palm of the mixture. Gentle pumping movements put honey on the areas to be treated (divide the whole area into several areas). Lightly pat the skin on your hands, then firmly press the palm of your hand and sharply, lifting, lifting his hands up. Hands will stick tight and tear them have even more sharply - in the sense of anti-cellulite honey massage. Some part of honey is absorbed into the skin, but most remain at the top and on the palms - they are covered with small white lumps. This mass - a mixture of honey, fluid and toxins that come to the surface of the skin. Treat all areas consistently.

The first massage should start with a 5-7 minute treatment in the following days, the exposure time can be increased to 15-20 minutes. After the massage, take a warm shower to remove the honey soft sponge. Lubricate the skin nourishing lotion.

Impression of massage after the first sessions can be unpleasant - Body remain traces of turning into a hematoma. This is due to vascular fragility of the skin and loss of elasticity. In between massages treat skin nourishing oils, additionally take vitamin complexes. Honey massage is best done on a steamed out skin - after a bath, a shower or bath. A mixture of honey and coffee grounds or salts can be used as a scrub - rub the mixture over the skin with massage movements, such procedures align the skin surface.

Tags: cellulite massage, fight