Saggy belly massage, exercise, oil

Saggy belly massage, exercise, oil
 Quite often after childbirth or with age in women stomach loses its shape and sag ugly folds than gives them a lot of grief. Of course, to return to its former beauty is difficult, but possible.

The most effective way to combat sagging stomach is exercise. But before they are executed first good warm up your muscles. You can use one of the oldest and most proven ways: rotate twenty minutes hoop around your waist, with a particularly effective is the hoop with the ball. And also do self-massage: it consists of a hand stroking belly counterclockwise - first easy and superficial, then stronger and deeper. In this case, the skin of the abdomen more blood rush to give extra food and oxygen, which affects an increase in muscle tone.

Is indispensable for the effectiveness of massage that you can spend with the help of a broom in the bath. Besides the fact that you clean the pores of the skin from harmful substances, you also prostimuliruete more active circulation and tightening of the skin, especially if in addition to a hot bath, take a contrast, a cool shower.

During the massage the belly for added effect, use essential oils or creams containing them. In particular, oil of eucalyptus, lavender or grapefruit will have the best effect on the power and tone your muscles; avocado oil or tangerine saturate skin tissue oxygen, stimulate metabolism and restore the elasticity of skin laxity. Tightens the skin and makes it more elastic almond oil. On sale is ready for the massage oil, but you can make them yourself, based on, for example, olive and adding a few drops of essential.

Physical exercises for tightening the abdomen very much. But most importantly, experts believe, not even a set of selected exercises, and their regularity. You can take as a basis the famous "school" exercises, and if you will repeat them daily, the result will be quite fast. Here are a few of these simple exercises that you can help to achieve a flat toned stomach.

Lying on your back, place your hands along the body. Slightly raise the straightened leg and knock a few times with one foot on the other. Lower legs.

Lie on your back, then stretch your arms forward and sit down 10 times. Day by day, gradually increase the load to 25 repetitions.

In the supine position on the back knees bent, lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. On the inhale lift your chest off the floor and head. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Every day, little by little, increase the load.

Lying on your back, lift your legs 90 degrees and 20 times the raise and lower them without touching the floor

Sitting cross-legged with his hands clasped on his head and body 15 times, turn left and turn right.

Tags: press, oil, stomach, massage, exercise, lift