Paraffin home

Paraffin home
 Watching the properties of paraffin, people have tried to use the substance for the treatment of certain diseases of the joints, complications after various injuries. The results were brilliant, durable and paraffin was prescribed medicine. Shortly after he was interested in the medicinal properties and beauticians. And now, perhaps, already there is no beauty that are not offered to its customers paraffin. However, it can be done at home.

The most important advantage of the wax is that it has a melting point slightly above fifty degrees and rather low heat conductivity, i.e. its temperature is lowered slowly and evenly. It is used in the form of applications.

The mechanism of action of wax on the body is pretty simple. First of all, the upper skin layer is softened and increased sweating. But as the moisture escape nowhere, she again absorbed into the skin. As a consequence - its effective moisturizing. Increased blood flow to the cells, which improves the mobility of joints, restores tissue wound heals faster. Increases lymph circulation and increases the release of toxins that helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. Furthermore, since the wax during the cooling is reduced in size, the gradual stretching and smoothing skin.

To conduct paraffin in the home, it is necessary, first of all, to stock up on enough material. Per procedure takes about 2 kg of refined paraffin. It is used only once.

While paraffin rasslavlyaetsya in a water bath (prepare a special dish - cleaned it bad), prepare your skin. It needs to be cleaned of dirt, scrub better, then you can apply a moisturizing cream. The easiest way to "work" with limbs.

First check whether very hot paraffin to avoid burns. Then immerse it in his hand for several seconds several times until it does not form a thick layer of wax; remove the hand every time seconds on 20. Then the hand is covered with cellophane and a towel or glove. Half an hour later it all removed. Your hand has received good care.

Just need to put applications on foot. On the face of paraffin impose complicated. Use the brush. After the first layer is necessary to put a gauze bandage to the end of the procedure easier paraffin was removed from the skin.

The only thing that should be found first, so it's whether you have contraindications to this procedure.

Tags: leather, domestic, condition, care, paraffin therapy, the use of