How to tighten the breast after feeding

How to tighten the breast after feeding
 During pregnancy, there is an increase of mammary glands - the body prepares for breastfeeding. After birth, the end of the feeding period and toddler feeding, breasts lose their shape and firmness - breasts sag. Tighten muscles and a little help raise breast exercise program.
 You can do these exercises every day, spending no more than 15 minutes for the whole complex. And some of them can be done during the day, as soon as there is free time. For example, to periodically stretch the chest muscles, you do not need a lot of time - join hands in front of chest, palms together and forcefully push on them, causing muscle tension chest. Repeat this exercise should be about 20 times in one go - over time the number of approaches can be increased. You can add this movement - from the same position disengages the hands, which are connected in a "lock".

Approach the wall, lean on her hands at chest level - with force push the wall, as if trying to move it, then relax the muscles.

The rotation of the arms helps to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and chest - dilute direct hand in hand and make circular movements back and forth. Vary this exercise alternating - 5 rotations forward, 5 rotations ago, during a break in vigorous rises shoulders.

Stay in the same starting position - feet together, arms at sides. Bending your elbows, cross them in front of chest, applying one hand to another.

These simple exercises can be done during the day, whenever you need to warm up. For deep study of the chest muscles more efforts are needed.

Push-ups from the floor, but do it right - hand arrange so that the brushes were under arms, legs slightly apart or joined together to tighten the entire body. If you find it difficult push-ups with straight legs, you can omit the knees on the floor - most importantly, keep the body straight. During the push-ups, try to touch the breasts of sex.

Lying on your back, perform flexion and extension divorced in hand hand - in each hand to hold the dumbbell. Bend your elbows, then straightened arms vaults, the third variation - cross your arms in front of him. As well tighten chest muscles lowering direct hands with dumbbells over head - lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body and follow ups.

Tighten the chest and facial gymnastics help - stand up straight, lift the chin and lower ends of the power of his mouth down. Repeat several times.

During the lessons, always wear a supportive bra.

Tags: skin, breast, Ambassador, feeding, grooming, exercise, flexibility