Foot massage. Step by step instructions

Foot massage. Step by step instructions
 After a hard day, when feet lead to fatigue, relieve stress massage will help. Skillfully made foot massage not only relieve fatigue. It will increase the tone and prevents the formation of edema. In addition, you will enjoy a massage, lift your spirits and will benefit the entire body. This massage recharges the internal organs of power and has a relaxing effect.

Before the massage should wash his feet. If they are swollen, make a foot bath with sea salt. Dissolve in a basin of water, 300 g of sea salt. Water should not be hot. Use water at room temperature. Then dab the feet with a towel. Now you can begin to massage.

Take a little oil or any nourishing cream. To enhance the effect of relaxation, you can use aromatherapy oils. Inhale the aroma will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and remove fatigue and stress. To relieve pain and swelling suit special creams and gels.

In the beginning, it is recommended to rub the foot. To do this, hold it with one hand while the other alternate motion with his hand and fingers. After warming up the foot can proceed directly to the massage.

1. Start with a foot massage need a circular motion clockwise.

2. Then proceed to stroking the recesses between the tendons on the top of the foot. Lightly press and release the space around the perimeter - from the base of the toes to the end of recess.

3. Squeeze each finger in turn and rotate it 3 times in each direction.

4. Place your thumb on top of the foot and squeeze the big toe. Performing a circular motion, move from the bottom to the top of the finger. Massage so all the fingers 3 times.

5. Push down on the sole surface of the palm and move from the heel to the toes for a few minutes.

6. Massage in a circular motion around the ankle area. This will help prevent swelling or reduce it.

7. Lean the edge of his hand to the ankle. Massage her patting movements for 2-3 minutes.

8. Take the ankle with one hand, and the other - turn the foot in different directions for a few minutes.


If the foot massage you saved swelling, take a piece of ice and a circular motion, wipe their feet.

Tags: foot massage, foot