All the benefits of a blue and white clay

All the benefits of a blue and white clay
 Since ancient times, known for the remarkable properties of clay mineral. Ancient healers actively used clay in medicine and cosmetology. One of the most valuable kinds of clay is white and blue Cambrian clay is the product of processing the oldest plants. The age of this clay more than five hundred million years.

Now more and more tired of the chemical the latest developments, people prefer to go back to the old-fashioned recipes. This also applies to clay. White and blue clay is used in cosmetics and medical purposes.
In cosmetology clay is used as a basis for different masks. Different types of clay are designed to deal with different cosmetic problems. In particular, white and blue clay is best suited to solve the problems of oily skin. This clay draws out excess fat, absorbs harmful substances contained in the surface layers of the skin, and therefore is particularly effective to deal with dermatological diseases, such as oily seborrhea, acne, furunculosis. Regular mask using blue and white clay to help solve the problem of enlarged pores and get the whitening effect. The facial skin becomes velvety, clean, made easy lifting of facial contours.

The remarkable properties of white and blue Cambrian clay to absorb various toxins are widely used for medical purposes. From this do clays salves, pastes, compresses. Moreover, the blue and white clay can be taken orally. Since its deposits at a depth of about 60 meters, this clay is absolutely sterile.
When applied topically white-blue clay helps in the treatment of diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, boils and festering abscesses. It accelerates the healing of fractures and dislocations. Pronounced antibacterial effect allows not only to remove the pain, such as dermatitis, but also get rid of this disease. For external treatment needs to be applied diluted with water clay layer 2 - 3 mm and leave for 2 - 3 hours. Applications of Cambrian clay help not only for skin diseases. Its use is well established in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, otitis, headaches unclear symptoms. In the treatment of internal diseases application of blue and white clay are held several times a day locally in the region of the affected organ. Packs of clay always make cold.

Absorbent effect of blue and white clay is widely used in the use of clay inside. For this clay powder diluted in water and drink. Clay draws out toxins from the body and displays them in a bound form. In addition, the large quantity of clay minerals and mineral substances, and in the most convenient form of assimilation by the body. In blue and white clay is particularly high percentage of silicon. Lack of silicon leads to premature aging of internal organs, rapid wear of the joints, increased fragility of blood vessels. Therefore, the use of clay inside has a tonic and anti-aging effect, purifies and strengthens the body as a whole.

Although doctors practicing treatment blue and white clay, to cope with the most complex diseases, up to cancer, it is not necessary to self-medicate. Consult with your doctor before taking a decision on the use of white and blue Cambrian clay.

Tags: effect, mask, acne, dermatitis, white, clay, use, area, sick, applique, treatment, use, body use, Blue