Paraffin Foot

Paraffin Foot
 Your feet are constantly in a colossal load, the skin of the feet become rough and dry, starts to peel and crack formed calluses and corns? With all of these ailments can help you manage such a wonderful procedure as paraffin. It will be a real salvation for your feet: relieve fatigue, provide healing of cracks, moisturizes the skin of the feet, reduce puffiness, activates blood circulation. As a result, procedures feet are soft and smooth, and most importantly - healthy.
 The main properties of the wax is quite a high level of heat capacity and poor thermal conductivity. These properties and form the basis of a procedure such as paraffin, which is absolutely painless and pleasant. The positive effect of paraffin noticeable after the first session and lasts for 7-10 days. Several of the procedures performed will help restore your feet soft and smooth skin.

When immersed in a bath of feet with warm paraffin temperature of the skin in this area is increased by 1-1, 5 degrees. Wherein the upper layer of the skin is softened through which absorption occurs, as well as increased intercellular space. Pores opened gradually begins sweating. Since paraffin perfectly insulates the foot, no moisture evaporates from the surface and absorbed into the skin again, restoring its water balance. Therefore, the main effect of paraffin is moisturizing.

Under the influence of elevated temperature in the foot improves blood circulation and increases blood flow. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and tissue repair, as well as the improvement of the motor leg joints. Together with increased blood circulation is released toxins that are not absorbed back into the skin due to the high value molecules, incomparable with the amount of water molecules.

Before you begin to close the procedure paraffin, first of all specialist treats your feet scrub. This procedure will help get rid of the keratinized skin flakes, which prevent full-fledged work cells. After that, the skin is thoroughly disinfected and thoroughly lubricated with a nourishing cream, it must be selected individually, depending on the purpose and characteristics of skin care.

Then the legs are immersed in the tub with hot prepared to 52-54 degrees paraffin. Feet are immersed for a few seconds after the frozen paraffin - dipped again. Such immersions may be 5-10, depending on the program maintenance. Break between them should be 7-10 seconds, it will give an opportunity to solidify well each application layer. After the stagnation of the last layer of wax on legs to wear special socks made of polyethylene, on top - terry socks, which will help retain heat for a long time.

Paraffin, during cooling, begins to decrease in volume, which leads to a lifting effect, smooths the skin. Paraffin is applied not only to the feet, but in the joints. Paraffin applications have a therapeutic effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, relieve swelling, relieve pain.

But do not forget that even for such a procedure as paraffin, there are a number of contraindications:

- Varicose veins,
- High blood pressure,
- Wounds, pustular rash and disease,
- Diabetes.
- Cardiovascular disease.

Tags: foot paraffin, foot