Exotic touch: Asian Massage

Exotic touch: Asian Massage
 A common characteristic of all types of Asian massages is the study of the body's energy channels through activation of biologically active points. Therapeutic massage is applied to acupuncture treatment of chronic and acute diseases.  
 Asian massage system is divided into several separate procedures that are aimed at relaxation, harmonization or restore the body's energy.

Burmese massage is based on a combination of massage techniques and tunes that are administered to a patient in a state of relaxation and peace. A special feature is the study of Burmese massage the neck muscles - the master covers the patient's head with both hands and make circular movements, often changing the trajectory. Worked out acupuncture points on the forehead and eyebrows patient warming up his head and temples. Followed by traffic on the muscles of the neck, shoulders and upper limbs. Smooth and stroking movements masseur replaced by gentle pressure, stretching and vigorous rubbing.

The purpose of the Burmese massage is complete relaxation of the neck muscles, relieve stress and tension in the upper body, the activation of cerebral circulation. All manipulations are performed behind the patient, while he can not just sit back and undress.

Thai massage is a technique of cleaning the energy channels, which forms part of a comprehensive health-system. Special moves and exercises help to eliminate the causes of many diseases - energy imbalances in individual organs and systems.

Chinese or acupressure based on the impact on the acupressure points with your fingertips. Depending on the purpose being worked out in terms of toning massage, relaxation, harmonization, as well as areas massing of which can affect the course of the course of some diseases.

Vietnamese massage starts the process of relaxation and detoxification by influencing the nerve receptors - the therapist is working on energy channels and points that affects the spine and joints, muscles. The result is a deep relaxation, relieves muscle tension, increases efficiency.

Creole massage feature is the use of bamboo sticks with the grain - they are ground tissue, are pressed, rattles. Haste should be varied, alternating the pace and duration of exposure - that vessels dilate, then narrowed. As a result, there is stimulation of blood circulation and lymph circulation acceleration.

Maldivian sand massage with a peeling effect and activation energy points, ending a session traffic with coconut oil, which speeds up the metabolism and helps to eliminate toxins.

Tags: massage techniques, touch, exotic