Air wisdom

Air wisdom
 Ancestors have long been attached bath procedures of particular importance. Bath and treated, and gave strength and beauty and youth. But often you can hear that in the bath treatment there is no wisdom. What's so hard about that? Warm up, then under the shower - and ready. Meanwhile, things are not so simple, and the Russian bath is a real science, and for some - a religious rite.
 Art walk in bath is made up of many components. Not to get the opposite effect, did not earn a cold or more serious health problems, it is necessary to take into account the humidity, odors desired, optimal heat in the steam room, the choice and preparation of a broom, the process of evaporation.

The first thing worth thinking about before going to the bath, it is a choice of a broom. The use of different brooms serves different purposes.

Oak - a strong, dense, helps with many skin diseases. Useful for oily problem skin and helps reduce blood pressure.

Juniper broom - an excellent tool for various colds, as essential oils, allocated to them, perfectly disinfect the air in the steam room. The use of juniper broom enhances blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. So - it is indispensable for cellulite.

Brooms much each of them has its own therapeutic or cosmetic effect, but, of course, the most beloved and the most common is a broom made of birch. Birch broom - a flexible, lightweight, very comfortable massage. The use of such a broom helps to cleanse the skin, helps to eliminate toxins soft. It is very useful in diseases of the respiratory system, after expanding small bronchi, improved ventilation, better sputum departs.

Before going to the bath can neither load nor starve. Eat one and a half to two hours before the bath and take a thermos with herbal tea.

Do not rush to the steam room. Cold body should prepare procedures and high temperature. Sit for a few minutes and keep warm. You can take a warm shower.

Limit the first call of five minutes. Do not grab the broom. Relax, let the skin pores fully open. In the first call, you can not bathe at all. Try to prolong the pleasure. After the pair is always wrapped in a sheet or towel to keep warm. Drink some warm decoction or juice. Avoid cold drinks, and alcohol in general is not compatible with bath.

In the second entry in the pair can start sweating. Properly use a broom - a real art. Broom to reveal all its advantages, is not enough to slap them with full force. First few times obmahnite yourself pumping hot air to the skin.

Then follow the pats. Spend hot broom in the direction of blood flow from the periphery to the center. Only then can you begin to lightly pat the body. The final procedure - capturing more hot air pripechatat broom to the body and gently push his hand on top. Such a "yellow card" helps to cope with local pain in trauma.

Generally, the bath is better to go together. In this case, you can soar with each other and completely relax, enjoying the bath procedures.

In the steam room to observe simple precautions. Be sure to wear a hat made of felt, to prevent overheating of the head. Never partes standing: the difference in temperature in the region of the head and in the legs is very high, the outflow of blood caused by this can lead to loss of consciousness. On the shelf, do not immerse the feet down. Even in this position, the temperature difference can be up to 30-40 degrees, this contributes to the difficulty of the blood flow and may cause a varicosis.

After evaporation necessarily rest for 10-15 minutes.

Many people like to dive after the pair in snow or ice pools. The temperature difference trains vessels and makes the skin supple. But not zealous with contrasting procedures. Slim people should not be in the cold water for more than 5 seconds, for those who have a tight body, will be enough for 15 seconds.

Do not forget to take a bath in your favorite cosmetics. Pores of the skin after bath procedures are open and will accept with gratitude and scrub salt or coffee, and honey massage, mask and sour cream.

Unfortunately, the bath is contraindicated for those who have heart problems, people with cancer, people suffering from serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as during any acute illness and at high temperature.

Tags: Ambassador, broom, massage, choice, steam room, wisdom