Do not worry, this is no big deal. You will need a fat cream, and worth checking out if you have an allergy to it. So, take a swab of cotton wool, heavily lubricate it with cream and put on the eyes. A little push, wait a couple of minutes. That's it - you can shoot cilia and nourishing cream will soften the glue. Wipe it with a cotton pad.
If you do not find a suitable cream, try another way. Before going to bed you will need to apply on line growth of eyelashes olive oil. You can go to bed and watch the magic dreams. On the morning of the glue soaked in oil, and eyelashes can be removed very easily.
If you have a situation where the glue still remained on the eyelashes and eyelids, do not be afraid. Take a tool that you used for softening (cream, butter) and repeat the process. Wait a while. Adhesive residue should be soft. Remove them with a cotton swab.
Yes, have to spend a bit of time. And if it does not exist? Then take the tweezers, which you tweeze eyebrows and use it to try to crush the remnants of glue on the smallest particles. You delete them without problems. Do not pull or yank much glue, if you do not want to go without eyelashes. After the procedure, rinse your eyes and apply your favorite eye cream.
Many women do not want to remove the artificial eyelashes, saying that their eyes without them look very ugly and dull. To avoid this, it is necessary to help your natural lashes become thicker and more beautiful. Today there are a lot of special tools for the strengthening and growth of eyelashes. There is always at your disposal proven folk remedy - burdock oil. Use it every day, and your cilia will become thicker and stronger.