To give your lashes extra thickness is important not just to make up their. Make it should be correct and suitable ink. Before the procedure can be applied to the eyelashes thin layer of powder.
During painting brush mascara is better to keep horizontally. As we move to the tips of the lashes, the motion shall be made from side to side. Thus, particles of mascara time to attach to the sides of the eyelashes, making them the thick and dense.
Useful in the care of eyelashes are considered different natural oils. The most popular among them received castor oil. It can be used both in pure form or in combination with other components.
Means Mix 1-2 drops of vitamin A and apply it to the eyelashes several times per day. This composition stimulates the growth of eyelashes, making them thicker, darker and gives shine.
Tested and quite an effective means to increase the density of the eyelashes are packs of equal parts of tinctures cornflower, marigold and black tea. Dampen a cotton swabs resulting broth or disks and attach to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes. To achieve the desired results, use once a week.
Proper care helps lashes to make them more lush and long. However, these activities require a lot of time and patience. By contrast, modern achievements of cosmetology allow women to become owners of luxurious eyelashes in a very short period of time.
Real lifesaver among them are false eyelashes. These lashes do look exciting and languid in minutes.
More popular among women today received treatment artificial eyelash. Calibration is done using special adhesives. In this case, each of your lash is glued false eyelashes or small hair bundles.
These eyelashes are very convenient to use. They do not need to take every day (as opposed to overhead), paint and fear that during rain or bathing in the water ink can flow. They look natural and are the possessor of 3-4 weeks.