In order to maintain a neat appearance eyebrows during that time, until you get them to grow, practice ihstrizhku. In contrast, thinning, here you risk nothing: eyebrows continue to grow, being supplemented with new hairs.
Chemical dyeing eyebrows should be avoided, as paint can adversely affect the condition of hair.
Recently appeared on the market means that stimulate the growth of eyebrows: Adonia BrowRevive, Advanced Lash, Satura, Foltene. Noticeable results are obtained by the capsules Inneov «Hair Density", but as a side effect of some observed the growth of hair in unwanted places, such as on the chin.
To strengthen the eyebrows and growth stimulation can be accessed and popular recipes. Well established application on eyebrows using burdock or olive oil for 20-30 minutes twice a week. Also effective procedure is to massage the eyebrows, which runs stroking, vibrating, pressing movements. Massage eyebrows preferably once a day.
Finally, it is the general condition of your body: eat healthy, eat complex vitamins and minerals, and your eyebrows will soon become as thick as you like and order.