How to Apply Concealer

How to Apply Concealer
 Cosmetic correctors can get rid of some of the problems with the skin - dark circles under the eyes, acne and acne, age spots, wrinkles and scars. It is only necessary to properly apply the means picking up his skin color.
 Wonderful cosmetics - correctors - ways to transform our skin in a matter of moments. Drawing on the strength of the base takes 10 minutes, during which time all the flaws will be corrected. It is only necessary to know how to apply concealer.

Corrective makeup applied on a clean face, not over the tone means. After all, his main role - masking. Concealer can help to hide from prying eyes such blemishes:

- Dark circles under the eyes;
- Wrinkles;
- Acne;
- Burst flasks;
- Pigmented spots;
- Acne;
- Scars;
- Scars from pimples.

Depending on the situation, you need to select the appropriate color corrector. So on the area of ​​inflammation is necessary to apply a correction means green - it is perfectly cope with redness, pimples. If the skin looks tired, dull, her tone can freshen up, make warmer, "draw" with the help of make-up orange corrector.

To eliminate dark circles under the eyes need to use concealer milky closer to white, if you belong to the so-called type "summer" or "spring". People with skin cool colors better to choose yellow concealer. He hides from view grid capillaries.

Blue gamma correctors give the skin a magical glow. That is why makeup artists love to use means of blue, purple flowers while creating evening makeup. Purple corrector removes freckles and blue - rosacea. Also blue checker will be the salvation lightly charred skin.

All corrective means are divided into two groups - suitable for use all over the face and point correctors, masking some imperfections. The first type is applied with a sponge proofreaders; better if the sponge is wet - so makeup will look natural. Corrector will not turn a person into a mask, if you pick it texture - it should be only a shade lighter skin. Spot type correctors applied with a brush or your finger directly. On sale there are also tools-pencils.

After all vulnerabilities were successfully masked, it's time to tone means. It is applied to the boundary to the place that has been imposed on the corrector. Definitely need a good shade and Tonalka and corrector transition to be invisible to the eye.

Tags: leather, tool, color, makeup, concealer