To discolor eyebrows at home, you need to prepare for the procedure. It is important to first carefully wash your eyebrows using shampoo to clean them with dirt and makeup. Then the skin around the eyebrows apply a thick layer of fat cream. This is important because the dye can damage skin. Then you need to cook staining solution.
To do this in an enamel or plastic bowl, mix ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of clean water. All mix thoroughly until smooth and evenly coat the eyebrow with a brush. After 15-20 minutes the paint off the eyebrows need to rinse. This should be done very carefully so that no liquid gets into your eyes. At the same scheme can discolor eyebrows with a special bleaching cream, just to keep it needed no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it can worsen the condition of the eyebrows.
The safest way to lighten eyebrows is the makeup or the use of herbal infusions. To prepare necessary to take 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers, pour boiling water and leave for a few hours. Then drain and wipe this decoction eyebrows every day, as long as the eyebrows will not light. In addition, for clarification of the eyebrows may be used, and lemon juice, which is necessary to wipe them daily.
To make eyebrows visually lighter, you can use a light powder or light beige shades.