To begin with costs that make up lipstick components of chemical origin can be a strong allergen or simply worsen the very delicate skin of the lips. Especially dangerous are lanolin (stomach hurts), petrolatum (dries the skin of the lips) and carmine (available as part of any lipstick red). You have to apply several layers of lipstick because Vaseline causes discomfort, as well as a desire to "refresh" the makeup of your lips. If we take quite a healthy woman, her health these ingredients "beauty" particularly dangerous load will not give. However, with existing health problems, they can significantly worsen the condition of man.
The vast majority of lipsticks in its composition contains paraffin and waxes, which are products of oil refining. Once in the body, these substances are not output from it. They are accumulated in the liver, kidneys and lymph nodes.
Yet on this baneful influence of wax does not end there. Of course, in lipstick it contains very little, although the ladies who use lipstick every day and several times, this is quite enough. The fact that worsens the wax teeth. It is known that women are periodically "eat" lipstick. Of course, they do not deliberately - lipstick can get into the mouth with food and water, for example. Paraffin is deposited on the tooth enamel, and clean it with her pretty hard. Living bacteria on the teeth under his "cover" begin to multiply much faster.
Of course, no matter what the opponents of the use of lipstick, women, constantly chasing beauty, they do not convince - women painted lipstick, paint and paint will be. However, they can protect themselves from the adverse effects of its use. Dear women, brush your teeth more often. Go to the dentist - let it cover your tooth enamel with a special protective layer. And your teeth will tell you "thank you".