Extended eyelashes do not require a professional approach to make-up, make-up artists and still recommend to take into account some of the nuances. The main thing is that the length of the cilia corresponded to the type of makeup you want to use.
Eyeliner should be applied as close to the lash line. On the cilia do not have to be a surplus of shadows after application. Rich colors and aggressive makeup will be redundant in any case, especially if you used eyelash with sequins. Paint eyelashes are not necessarily - they are so visible.
When using Japanese technology capacity on each eyelash glued silk hypoallergenic. Therefore, in general, these lashes look very natural and unassuming require makeup in pastel colors. All together it looks like an innocent romantic image of a young girl. Sheaf eyelash suitable for creating a vamp, which traditionally enjoys well-deserved attention, thanks to its brightness and extravagance.
Long eyelashes obtained after extension must be in harmony with the shape of age, eye shape and other features. Accordingly, if the eyes are large, it is better to build lashes longer, with small features optimal choice - shorter lashes. If natural light lashes, before the procedure they should paint and best address your message to the master, to choose the right shade.
Get used to the eyelash extensions can be literally a week. In the first few days is not recommended to use the swimming pool, sauna and gym. But then within 1-2 months will be forgotten that the eyelashes should be applied mascara.
Capacity and helps to correct any deficiencies, so that even rare or very short lashes will look like after the procedure and thick and long. One will be a little mascara to cope with this task. Especially that extended eyelashes, unlike the painted, not afraid of moisture. But most importantly, they can be used to create the famous "fox look" Brigitte Bardot or "deer eyes," as Audrey Hepburn.