What type of appearance prefer men

What type of appearance prefer men
 For many centuries, men's behavior in relation to the fairer sex said that they are more attracted to a woman's body and appearance than high intelligence.
 Men subconsciously assess the attractiveness of women at the biological level to continue the race. They are attracted by external quality, is a sign of health. This ensures a successful conception, gestation and birth of children.

The first thing that draws the attention of a man - this body. Elastic, toned body says about good health. Most prefer women with round, pear-shaped buttocks. The study showed that the attention of men attract women whose waist is 70% the size of the thighs. This ratio indicates the ability of women to bear and give birth to a child.

Another very sexy in the eyes of men look long legs. Statistics show that the majority of men like women with rounded shapes calves and knees, and not those who have legs like a long match.

The female breast is one of the first places in the list of men's preferences and talks about a woman's ability to nurse children. But if a girl thinks that breast volume is the key, it is seriously mistaken. Actually attracts male shape.

The volume of the chest adds a layer of adipose tissue, and it does not take part in the development of milk, and because it is less sensitive breast. Raised a small chest, which has developed the nipple and areola bright, says that the tone of the musculo-glandular system in good condition, and the chest is more sensitive.

Male ideal of a woman's face - a small, having an average jaw and chin, high cheekbones, large eyes, full lips and a small nose.

Men find attractive women who have a healthy glow in her eyes, dilated pupils, and his eyebrows arched. For them, it is a call to action. The tests carried out among men with photos have shown that women with contact lenses like men anymore. This is due to the fact that create the illusion of lenses and light dilated pupils in the eyes.

Long hair back in the old days were considered a symbol of femininity. So they remained to this day. By a vote of 74% of men prefer women with long hair.

Tags: hair, man, style, woman, appearance, femininity