Water - the main secret of beauty

Water - the main secret of beauty
 Consumption of water - a necessary condition for the whole organism. Moreover, it is necessary to drink every day, because She is a regular participant of all metabolic processes. In an average day, each person produces about two liters of fluid through sweat, urine, tears. And of course, do not need to use a smaller amount.
 Without water, the blood begins to thicken, all of this is slowing metabolism. Accordingly, the body begins to lose efficiency. If a person regularly receives less liquid, suffers his health and appearance. Slower heart beats, disrupted the central nervous system, starting digestive problems, kidney cleansing impair their function. Not less noticeable lack of fluid affects the beauty. The hair becomes dry, whipped, grow slowly, nails acquire an unpleasant color, exfoliate, break down, the skin becomes gray, rough. The loss of any one vitamin or macrocell does not work as fast and detrimental to the body, as a lack of water.

To avoid such problems, you need to drink large quantities of water, especially on hot days. This will not create any problems you, the more that this necessary calorie drink is zero. But do not try to replace the water to other drinks. After tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks do not always have useful properties. They often contain ingredients that can worsen your condition. For example, sweet drinks generally harmful to health, and tea bags consists of colors and flavors, their use has a negative impact on health and beauty.

Water - it's actually fuel for the body, it helps deliver nutrients to every cell in the human body. And, of course, is the main secret of beauty. After all, when a person uses a lot of liquid, it improves all of your metabolism. In particular, improving cell regeneration, has a positive effect on the skin, nails and hair. If you're a daily drink at least 3 liters of clean water will soon notice that disappeared pimples, fine wrinkles, and skin was smooth and even.

Besides ordinary drinking water help to lose weight, give shape to normal. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, drink as much cool water. After all, the fact that its warm, your body will have to spend the extra calories. Just do not drink at all icy liquid, otherwise there is a risk to be ill with angina.

The human body contains large amounts of harmful toxins. And this is a very strong effect on the exterior. Gray skin, dull eyes, bags under the eyes, acne - all of which can occur only because of slagging of the body. Get rid of these troubles can also be by increasing the amount of water consumed, because it helps to remove toxins from the body. Ie the more you drink, the healthier and more beautiful you become.

You should not overlook another important property of water - it helps to remove dust, dirt and sweat from the body. Regular bathing will help your skin always look attractive. Rinse after shower body and face with cool water, so you narrow down the pores and remove your swelling.

Tags: beauty, health, help, secret, property