These horrible stretch marks

These horrible stretch marks
 It is considered that stretch pursue pregnant women. In fact this is not true. No one is immune from any unpleasant scars on the skin. The reason for their occurrence is not only pregnancy but also rapid weight gain, early active sports, the rapid growth and hormonal disorders.

In essence, the inner stretch represent discontinuities in skin elasticity decrease. Recent feature bright red color, and stuffy eventually become white-pearl. Yourself to get rid of stretch marks is almost impossible, but do not despair, you can improve their appearance and make it practically invisible.

If you recently discovered extensions on your skin, you can reduce their intense redness. To do this, use special creams, which include collagen, elastin, and vitamins A and E. All of these substances cause the collagen actively produced and gradually fill the cracks. And, moreover, in their scope and includes effects such as exfoliation of dead cells. Therefore, these stretch marks cream remove redness and make them less noticeable.

With a large number of extensions refer to a beauty salon. Laser therapy is easily discolor fresh cracked. So with the help of laser resurfacing to smooth skin and you to see the stretch marks will need to carefully scrutinize. But remember, do the appropriate procedure is allowed only six months after childbirth. But after six weeks from the date of birth can be used vacuum massage.

In order to reduce the risk of stretch marks, you can resort to traditional medicine. Of course, it does not relieve you of scars, but will make the skin smooth and supple. And it will be the best preventive measure. Most often cracks appear on the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. If you, for example, expect the birth of a baby, every day rub into problem areas a little vegetable oil. This is an excellent preventive effect will olive oil with added vitamins. The recipe is very simple. You will need a half cup of butter, half cup of aloe juice and purchased in a pharmacy vitamins A and B, 10 drops. Mix all ingredients, pour into a dark vehicle glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Every day, rub into the skin during the day and evening. And leave without washing for 2 - 3 hours.

Tags: Stretching, delete, appearance, fighting, method, reason