The principle is similar to sugar hair removal wax method - hair secured in a viscous mass is removed and a sharp movement against their growth. The material is not damaged and is not easily angered, hairs grow longer.
The main task during the procedure at home - the right mix ingredients for sugar syrup and cook it. Mix the sugar, water and lemon juice (or citric acid) should be in the right proportions. Typically, the sugar and water is taken from the rate of 2: 1, and the amount of citric acid is calculated approximately according to the volume of half a lemon. If the skin is sensitive or planned removal of hair in areas with delicate skin, instead of lemon can take a teaspoon of honey. All components must be mixed together and put on fire for the formation of a dense syrup. The mixture must be constantly stirring to keep smooth.
The process is to remove the epilation of hair using the cooled sugar mass. Readiness mixture can be determined from the rolled up balloon it - if the ball is easily formed, the structure is ready. Applying it on the skin should be warm, and if the procedure is time consuming, and the sugar syrup has time to cool down, it may be again heated. Legs are processed by coating them with a layer of paste or syrup, rolled strips. Layer should be uniform and not too thick, you can apply makeup wooden spatula or gloved hands. Strips on top of the sugar can impose tissue applicators - they will help to remove the strip. Bikini area depilating using the rolled bead, which is applied to the skin and then comes off sharply.
The syrup should be left on the skin for a while, and after will be the feeling of tightness and tension hairs - start-cut-off layer of sugar.
After completion of the remnants of the syrup is necessary rinse with warm water and apply on the treated area moisturizer.