How to glue eyelashes beams

How to glue eyelashes beams
 Every girl wants to be beautiful. A distinctive look - one of the canons of female beauty. Therefore, thick eyelashes - the dream of many. Well, that with the development of the beauty industry to become the owner of lush lashes was so simple. Just stick the lashes beams and can go in search of the man's dream. Make a sheaf building quickly and easily, even at home.

The first step is to get a mysterious look - buying beam eyelashes. They need to cut so that their length does not exceed the length of your own, or building will look unnatural.


Draw a line growth of eyelashes thin eyeliner - it will help you precisely place the beams eyelashes and color disguise those areas where you do not stick cilia.


How to glue eyelashes beams

Put a small amount of glue for eyelashes on the back of strontium hands. Pick up the beam lashes with tweezers and gently dip the base into the adhesive. After that always biding 15-30 seconds before it stick as cilia. So glue will be better set.


Start glued beams eyelashes with the outer corner of the eye. Cilia sit down as close to the line of growth of own eyelashes. Continue to build up until you reach the desired thickness.


Close your eyes for a few minutes and do not blink a couple of minutes. Wait until the glue is completely dry.


How to glue eyelashes beams

Apply a coat of mascara. So you pricheshet own overhead and cilia, it look more natural.

Tags: eyelash extensions