Diet for Beautiful Skin

Diet for Beautiful Skin
 Skin problems can not always be solved using masks and cosmetic creams. Skin needs nutrition, hydration and cleansing not only outside but also inside. Correctly composed diet will allow you to gain a healthy and beautiful skin.

The skin look radiant, toned and clean, should be included in food proteins, antioxidants and fatty acids. Protein improves skin, antioxidants prevent cell damage and contribute to toxins and fatty acids protect skin from dehydration and wrinkles.

Proteins found in dairy products, meat, eggs, beans, and in similar products. Eating an omelette of two eggs for breakfast, boiled or stewed fish for lunch and chicken for dinner, you provide the body with enough protein. In fish contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Most of these acids in fatty fish - omul, salmon, sturgeon and herring. They are rich and nutty almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. Include in your diet 50 grams of nuts in addition to the main menu.

Antioxidants, vitamins, or youth, are abundant in berries, fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, is in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, apricots and beets. He thickens the stratum corneum. Vitamin C stimulates cell renewal and collagen production. Its a lot of citrus, in rose hips, black currants and cabbage. Vitamin E protects the skin from premature aging and the effects of stress. It is found in vegetable oils, nuts and avocados. Side dishes and salads, vegetables are perfectly combined with meat. They must be included in the diet for beautiful skin. Fruits are best eaten raw or drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices.

In drawing up the diet for beautiful skin you must eliminate sugar, fried and smoked food, prepared food, pasta and white bread. Pasta and white bread contribute to the rapid release of insulin into the blood, causing acne can be formed. It causes acne and consumption of sugar. The scientists found that women who abuse sweets, look older than their age. Reason for early wrinkles is that sugar reduces the amount of collagen in the skin.

Guided by the above principles, you can make your own diet for your skin.

Tags: skin, diet, youth, antioxidant