Classic beauty: what is it?

Classic beauty: what is it?
 Classic implies eternal values ​​remain relevant for all time. But here's the classic beauty of women in different eras has its own characteristics, the era in which these can be determined with a high degree of accuracy. You can not go wrong at the time admiring the beauties anemic Middle Ages in paintings by Van Dyck, or the triumph of the flesh in the paintings of Rubens, belonging to a later period. Modern canons of classical beauty also exist.
 Today, model, classical ideal of beauty are many actresses who initially were in a movie just for its external quality. Some of them were originally marked as winners of beauty contests. Such an example can serve as a well-known Italian Sophia Loren, who in his 70-plus years has withdrawn as a model for calendars. Her almond-shaped eyes and sensual lips still do not lose their beauty.

Another native of sunny Italy - Monica Bellucci, also applies to those who may be called classical beauty. Her face resembles the face Raphael Madonnas with their expressive eyes staring straight into my soul.

Refers to the classical ideal and unforgettable Marilyn Monroe, although apparently it bears little resemblance to the hot Italians. But invincible femininity, her unique style, made Marilyn icon, ideal for many women trying to emulate her style, hair color, makeup.

Aristocratic Audrey Heppern also considered the standard of female beauty. This is a girl with eyes fawn, won millions of moviegoers with her grace. Hallmarks of her style steel fitted silhouette, capri pants, blouses with stand-up collar, ballet flats. All of these external signs still borrow girls who want to be like the fragile and defenseless heroine of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

American actress Sharon Stone, too, can serve as a model of classic female beauty. Stately, with regular features, marvelous light eyes that change color depending on my mood, Sharon has a little cold beauty and not like a "girl from our yard."

All these beautiful ladies, besides appearance, make the ideal body proportions. They respond to the canons of "golden section", developed by the ancient Greeks. According to him, the whole should correlate with its mostly the same proportion as in most of the smaller. If we take the whole - the height of the person C, most of it - the length from waist to stop for A, and a smaller part - length from the waist to the top of the B, the proportion of the golden section will look like C: A = A: B.

Beautiful face with regular features, well-proportioned body - that is the common qualities that a woman should have a claim to be a classic beauty.

Tags: beauty section adds, beauty