10 spices that make us beautiful

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 Spices are needed not only for cooking delicious aromatic dishes, they also help to make the skin smooth and hair - healthy and nails - strong. That is why they frequently include cosmetic composition.
 One of the oldest spices in the world is often called the king of condiments. Rare aroma of cardamom is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, so it complements the composition of many perfumes. Thanks to its tonic effect on the body oil of cardamom gained a reputation aphrodisiac, but due to it contained cineole and terpineol is considered a powerful natural antiseptic. Butter is widely used in cosmetics and pharmacology, is used in the preparation of soaps, toothpaste. Creams containing oil of cardamom black, stimulate skin cell renewal and improve facial contour. Cardamom extract large, part of the foams and tonics, cleanses the skin and tones it.

Ginger root helps to eliminate toxins from the body, increases its tone. Extract from it added to creams slimming remedies for stretch marks. Cosmetics, which included present extracts of ginger, can tighten the skin that has lost elasticity, making it more elastic. Thanks to the powerful antioxidant agents are often used to prevent aging of delicate skin around the eyes. Creams with anti-aging effect for the neck and décolleté, containing ginger, impede the process of skin aging. As part of shampoo ginger activates the growth of healthy hair and dandruff.

Small unopened buds of clove fraught with valuable medicinal properties. The oil is an excellent antiseptic, has antiviral and antibacterial activity. The cream of the spices easily cope with pimples and acne. Lotions, tonics for the body soften and protect the skin, making it very soft and supple.

Rich in vitamins basil plays an important role in metabolic processes. They stimulates collagen synthesis, restores skin youthfulness. Oil of basil is often used in cosmetics because it has antioxidant properties. Creams and lotions successfully fight free radicals, tone the skin. Hair care prevents hair loss and brittle.

One of the best in the world is bourbon vanilla, so it is part of many parfyumov.Sladky aroma soothes, relieves fatigue accumulated during the day. Creams and lotions, which contain essential oils of vanilla, effectively soften the skin, soothe irritation and rash. Spice often used in the manufacture of shampoos, because it helps to get rid of the dryness of the scalp.

Sweet-tart flavor of nutmeg creates an atmosphere of celebration. Oil based on it has a good anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and joints, so it is often added to the bubble bath and shower gels. However, it is believed that the funds with nutmeg are not suitable for sensitive skin, so before applying them to do an allergy test.

Rich in vitamins and trace elements cinnamon stimulates blood circulation, improves cellular metabolism, so cosmetics, within which there is this spice has a rejuvenating effect. Creams, which is composed of cinnamon, help to find a beautiful complexion, skin tone, and means for effective anti-cellulite body.

Cumin extracts successfully struggling with skin problems such as black spots, acne, enlarged pores. This spice has on the epidermis excellent tonic effect, so often present in masks and lotions for the deep cleaning of the skin. Cosmetics with cumin smoothes wrinkles, increases the overall tone and fights stretch marks after pregnancy.

Pepper contains fatty acid, carotene, various vitamins. Widely used in cosmetics: a warm-up creams, ointments, hair growth stimulants. Its action is aimed at splitting of fat cells. Pepper stimulates the removal of accumulated toxins from the body, so its extract is used in a variety of massage gels and body scrubs. These funds are suitable for dry and aging skin.

Shampoos, conditioners and masks, which is composed of rosemary, strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth and help to eliminate dandruff. Creams are ideal for oily skin: align its texture, refreshing complexion. The aroma of spices helps reduce muscle pain, strengthens the nervous system, perfectly relieves stress.

Tags: beauty, cosmetics, ingredient