The visit to the beautician, what you need to know

The visit to the beautician, what you need to know
 Skin Problems deliver a lot of trouble: forced to buy expensive tools to do various treatments regularly resort to folk treatments. When it becomes obvious that not cope on their own, a visit to the beautician is imminent. In this case, you need to know some of the nuances, so as not to aggravate sitatsiyu.
 Find out as much information about all the salons in your city that offer facial treatments. Can turn to friends and ask if they can give their recommendations. Going into the first interior is highly undesirable, since in this case, you risk not only to solve their problems, but also worsen the skin condition. The ideal option would be a beauty salon, which will specialize itself only cosmetic, and not be in a barbershop. In this case, more likely not to "bump" a beautician - self-taught, who knows less than you about your problem.

After making your selection, ask the administrator of education specialist. Here you can fall into the trap that you might be mislead various courses, training which was a beautician, but as such relevant education he may not be. Therefore ask specific questions.

To sign up for the start of consultation. During the conversation, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Draw conclusions from what experts say, well if he focuses on your problem, does precisely what treatment to appoint or just says platitudes and trying to impose your expensive procedures, which, in fact, no way to help you. Create the impression of a man who knows not to let themselves be deceived. If you like a beautician and you are convinced of its professional competence, agree with him about the next meeting. Ask how to prepare your skin for the first procedure that is the take, what tests need to pass - an experienced professional should advise you, and on this occasion.

Watch closely for changes in your skin after each session. Feel free to talk about their feelings beautician. He must know every detail. If you have an allergy to any medicine specialist is required to replace the treatment and medications, as may be irreversible processes. Do not be silent, if you see that the treatment does not work, and it continues beautician.

Tags: visit, visiting, beauticians