Lavender oil copes with various skin irritation and inflammation, helps to eliminate itching, flaking and redness, which makes it indispensable for sensitive, prone to allergies, skin.
In pure essential lavender oil has a strong regenerating and wound-healing properties, so is widely used for healing wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions, burns and other skin damage.
Drugs with the addition of lavender - an effective tool for weak and damaged hair. Their regular use reduces breakage and hair loss, gives hair a healthy shine and splendor.
At home, lavender oil can be used in addition to cosmetics. Pure essential oils are applied only in exceptional cases and applied to the affected area dotted.
Pure lavender oil smeared cracks, cuts, sores, skin affected by acne or herpes. It should be done very carefully, avoiding contact with oil on healthy skin. It is best to use a cotton swab or swab.
If you have oily skin of the face, add lavender oil in the usual for you lotion, cream or tonic at the rate of 1-2 drops on a single part of a cosmetic product. In this case we are talking about domestic cosmetics made from natural ingredients. Mix the essential oil with factory means is not recommended.
To alleviate dry skin, add a few drops of lavender to a tablespoon of natural vegetable oils (olive, peach, sea buckthorn). The resulting mixture can be used as a nutrient cream or a face mask.
We lavender, like any other essential oil, there are some contraindications for use. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and should not be applied to the skin in patients with severe dermatitis or allergic reaction.