Laser removal of stretch marks: Pros and Cons

Laser removal of stretch marks: Pros and Cons
 Stretch marks, or striae - it's ugly furrows on the skin that may occur due to hormonal changes in the body or because of rapid weight gain, muscle mass. Deal with the problem can be fast enough. Laser resurfacing helps make stretch marks less noticeable.
 Removal of stretch marks with a laser - is the actual procedure, demanded not only women but also men. Under the influence of the laser starts to actively produce collagen and elastin, which literally squeezed connective tissue. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and smooth.

The easiest way to remove stretch marks, which appeared recently in the skin. They have a red or pink color. Stretch marks appearing on the skin for a long time after the procedure becomes almost unnoticeable.

Results laser resurfacing visible already after the first treatment, wherein the final result, whereby stretching will become completely invisible, can only be seen after a series of procedures and recovery period.

A correction method of stretch marks with a laser is completely painless, as modern laser systems have powerful contact cooling system of the skin. There is only a slight tingling, which may continue after completion of the procedure. Slight redness lasts for one to two weeks.

For the correction of stretch marks that appear on the skin recently, it may take 6-10 treatments. Old stretch marks remove harder, so corrective procedures may require significantly more. The recovery period therebetween takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Despite all the advantages of laser correction of stretch marks, for the procedure has a number of contraindications. The laser can not remove stretch marks in the presence of cancer, pregnancy and lactation, epilepsy, acute inflammatory diseases of the skin, herpes, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, after a chemical peel procedure.

After correction of stretch marks can not sunbathe for two months. The laser-treated area should be lubricated with moisturizing or nourishing cream several times a day.

Tags: laser, stretching, help, deletion, correction