If you do decide to change the shape of the nose, thoroughly consult with the surgeon. The surgeon will examine your nose and maybe try to talk you out of surgery. This may be several reasons: you invent a problem and your nose does not require intervention; have medical contraindications; nose shape that you "order" can not be done. At the consultation, the surgeon will examine your anatomical features, shape of the nose and nostrils. Will be made photos and computer modeling - you need to see the final result.
You may find that your nose, there are other features, which you did not know, but that can also be corrected during the operation - such as a deviated septum. Then rhinoplasty is performed in a combined form.
Results of operations may be affected by the following factors: bone and cartilage structure of the nose, face shape, skin thickness and age. If you are under 17 years of rhinoplasty is better to wait.
Assume that you rhinoplasty shown due to physical reasons. There are three categories of the most common indications for surgery to change the shape of the nose.
1. Congenital problems. Perhaps your family has relatives, which is transmitted through the "family" nose. For example, with a very obvious bump, or too long or wide. If the features of your face thin and elegant, such a "prominent" nose may prompt you to do rhinoplasty.
2. Injury. Life is not without adventure, and not always pleasant these adventures. Accident, stroke, trauma nose obtained any other way, then the nose acquired undesirable forms - as well a significant indicator for rhinoplasty.
3. Ethnic features. Sometimes a certain shape of the nose indicates a man belongs to a particular ethnic group. But most women do not rhinoplasty in order to hide their identity, and to ensure that these features do not violate the ideal image created in their imagination. For example, a wide, flat nose with large nostrils can not fit into the image of a refined lady.
If you think that your nostrils are too large, and they prevent you feel beautiful, to have surgery or not - you decide. But if you decide to carry it out - start to prepare for it in advance.
The sense operation is to remove a portion of the wing from the outside - if the wing is too long or correct passage nostrils - if it is too wide. Sometimes it is necessary to combine both methods. After removal of the excess of the surgeon closes the incision. This is done using a thin thread, stitches removed after five days, the tracks will dissolve in about a month and a half. If the wings of the nose "sink" during an operation carried out restoration support wings of the nose - it makes using the transplant patient's own cartilage.
Surgery to correct the shape of the nostrils performed under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the operation can go from two hours or longer.