Correction and alignment of teeth with braces suitable for children with yet unformed jaw and adults whose jaw is fully formed, but it is necessary to adjust the bite or align teeth.
The second most popular method of teeth straightening - is the use of trainers, dress up at night or during the day for a few hours. Such a method of occlusion is more suitable for children and adolescents up to 18 years with formation of the jaw. Unfortunately, at a later age to align the teeth with the help of trainers can not.
Orthodontist can advise straighten teeth using special plates that are made individually for each patient. Wear them for a long time, periodically removing.
Special mouthguard also makes orthodontist for dental impressions for each patient individually. Are special mouthguard quite expensive, so are not available to all citizens.
And the last way to correct misaligned teeth - is to carry out restoration. The procedure is quite expensive, but allows for a short period of time to get the beautiful straight teeth, and they dream of many and are willing to pay any money.
Whichever method you choose, remember that align teeth and correct the bite can be only in a specialized clinic. Aligners for teeth whitening for this purpose are not suitable.