For example, the need for such operations may cause the consequences of accidents / accidents / injuries, inflammation of the soft tissues, unsuccessful surgery on the nasal septum, heredity, shortness of breath due to the asymmetry of the nose.
Preparation for surgery begins with a consultation with a surgeon, an X-ray of the nose and passing the required tests. Very Heed to the choice of the form of nose. On the advice do not hesitate to ask questions a doctor, you should be clear about what you expect to come, and a nose "output" you get.
The doctor will prescribe you medications that have a strengthening effect on the vessels, but if you are taking medications that affect blood clotting, you need to stop doing it.
The operation to increase the nose is open and closed methods. Public method involves an incision in the partition between the nostrils closed - inside the nostrils. To actually increase applies a special frame. Its design of the patient's own tissue - cartilage, bone or artificial materials safe. The framework put under the skin of the nose, he raises and increases the nose.
The operation can take up to 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia plus special.
Rehabilitation takes place within two weeks, the first time the patient wears a special nose pads and then a plaster cast. During this time, will be held swelling, and the patient returns to normal. After surgery, physical therapy is shown, and on physical activity need to abstain.
Like any major surgery, have rhinoplasty has contraindications. This is a chronic infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, cancer, diabetes, poor blood clotting. Also, rhinoplasty can be done no earlier than 16 years, and it is desirable to do so only after 20 - by which time the nasal cartilage stops growing.