How to get rid of the curvature of legs

How to get rid of the curvature of legs
 Beautiful, slender female legs attract admiring glances from men and sometimes envious eyes of some ladies who can not boast of such forms. Crooked legs, of course, are the cause of women's experiences and complexes. So what do you do if nature has not given you the ideal form of the legs?
 The first step is to determine the cause of the curvature of the legs, it is recommended to consult a specialist. If this result is due to a congenital bone deformation and changes in this case can not do without surgery, during which the doctor will make a correction. In other cases, appointed by the medical complex consisting of specially selected exercises for the calf. This will help to overcome the false cause curvature of the legs and improve the shape of the inner side of the leg.

Stand with your hands on the waist, legs together. Begin to plant the foot to the side, moving alternately socks and heels. In the same way, connect with your feet together. Proceed this exercise 10-15 times. Then bend the knee and grasp one foot thigh hands, move the foot to the left and right, up and down, try to keep a balance in this. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

Spread on the floor mat and sit on the floor, legs and back should be straight. Put your hands behind and make them stop. Try as much as possible to delay the toes of the left foot, then abruptly pull it towards you, with the muscles should be stretched as much as possible. Do the same with the right foot. Repeat this exercise ten times for each leg.

If your feet are shaped like the letter X, with such a lack of recommended horseback riding, biking, skiing, swimming breaststroke, running, jumping, and perform the following exercise: sit on the floor cross-legged and climb slowly without using their hands.

The curvature of the legs in the future can bring a lot of trouble, for example, cause arthritis. The disease with age can lead to disability. Surgery to correct curvature of the legs is made on the shin area, the rehabilitation period is about two to three weeks. In this period of time to avoid all kinds of physical activities.

The technique includes the installation of the device fixation on the tibia osteotomy, ie bone dissection. In operation using the Ilizarov apparatus which is small in size and allows movement of the knee sufficient. In the skin is punctured, the size of 5-7 millimeters. During the period of correction and fixation need rehabilitation treatment (walking with a walker and development of the joints), and the total load on a limb speed up the healing process.

Tags: leg, curvature of the curve