Electrocoagulation - a burning soft tissues of the body electric. This procedure allows to get rid of various defects on the skin: moles, warts, papillomas, corns, spider veins, and many others. Electrocoagulation can spend anywhere on the body. Before the procedure, patients are offered local anesthesia in order to avoid unpleasant sensations and pain.
The procedure is performed with the use of a special device, which is called - electrocoagulator. He works on the following principle: the action of constant electric current heats the metal loop, which was excised and education on the skin. Thermal effect causes the coagulation of tissue and blood vessels as a result of bleeding after the procedure does not happen. By means of electrocoagulation you can get rid of a defect in a single session, the depth of exposure in each case individually and controlled by a specialist. After the session is recommended antiseptic treatment for a week, it can be done at home by yourself. Commonly used antibiotic ointment on the basis of their you can easily buy almost any pharmacy.
If a patient is concerned about the pain, you can use sedatives. Complete healing may take 8 to 14 days, it all depends on the depth of influence. During the healing process at the site appears crust, and under it forms a new epithelial layer, and the passes the regeneration - the denser is this crust. After the crust will disappear by itself, and in the treated area will be left no trace. Do not worry if at first there small depigmented area, it will disappear with time.
However, electrocoagulation, there are several contraindications. Firstly, this procedure is not carried out for people suffering from severe abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, such as angina, arrhythmia, hypertension. As the procedure is contraindicated in people who are feverish, suffering individual electric current intolerance and those who wear a pacemaker.
Electrocoagulation is not carried out with the active form of herpes, as well as education are malignant character (figure it is possible by means of preliminary laboratory tests). If you are not sure of the diagnosis of education, it is better not to carry out the procedure, you will need specialist advice.