Types of cryotherapy
Cryotherapy. This procedure is performed in a special chamber, in which the skin is subjected to thermal stress during 2-3 minutes. This time is the maximum permissible so as not to harm the skin. The essence of cryotherapy is fully or partially immersed in the patient's body a gaseous medium at a temperature of from -160 to -110 degrees.
Thanks to this type of cryotherapy is enhanced heat generation and better nutrition of tissues of the internal organs and skin, as well as stimulates the cardiovascular system.
Appointed by the procedure in rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the spine and skin diseases.
Side effects of cryotherapy has not.
Local cryotherapy. The peculiarity of this method is the possibility of using at home. This compresses the ice used to treat bruises, sprains and other injuries. Need to rub the sore spot in a circular motion using a cellophane bag with ice. Massage - 2-5 minutes. This procedure prevents swelling, relieves pain, and also has regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect.
Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is used in cosmetic purposes (face cryotherapy, hair and so on). In some cases, contributes to the death of tissue freezing, and other - leads to improved blood flow and nutrition of tissue.
To increase the effectiveness of therapy, after a session is recommended wraps, masks, injections.
Cold therapy are advised to carry out the people who suffer from obesity. For 1 session burns about 2000 calories. Over 10 procedures can be eliminated by an average of 5 pounds overweight.
Contraindications cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children under 5-7 years, as well as people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, acute infectious diseases. Before cryotherapy, it is imperative to consult a specialist and undergo the necessary examination.