Collagen injections are an effective way to fill the shortage of this substance in the skin. The main advantage of this procedure is an immediate visible effect. But it takes a relatively short time, an average of three to six months depending on the type of collagen, which, of course, can be called a minus. But the use of the substance after administration, stimulates the production of its own protein, which is beneficial to the overall condition of the skin. Collagen injections restore skin elasticity and firmness.
The main disadvantage of collagen injections is a big risk of allergic reactions. Especially the risk is high when using foreign collagen: bovine and dermalogena obtained from cadavers. Recently there were techniques to get your own collagen (Autologen and Izologen). It is grown in the laboratory from human skin, wishing to carry out such a procedure, and then passes a special treatment to give him an injection form. This type of injectable collagen is significantly different from, for example, bovine collagen. On the one hand, no risk of allergies and the other - the smaller duration.
Collagen injections can cause nausea and dizziness, burning sensation in the injection site, as well as minor bruising and pain in the joints. This procedure can lead to blockage of blood vessels when injected into them accidentally falls. By collagen injections can not resort to eliminate wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, as the injection site may occur postinjection necrosis, which can cause scars, scars and necrosis.
Collagen injections, as well as any other cosmetic procedure, associated with a sufficient risk, so before you decide on this operation, you must consult with a beautician and carefully weigh the "pros" and "cons".