This is accessed not only for rejuvenation. Bags under the eyes, excess skin on the eyelids can be especially natural constitution and their adjustment can be done in the young, even young age, avoiding complexes and psychological problems. Herniation of the lower and upper eyelid may be due to metabolic disorders, both in men and women, and blepharoplasty without much difficulty eliminate this defect.
But the main indication for blefaromlastike - age, withering, old age. Surgery is always disturbing, and surgery on the face, so close to the eye "apple of my eye" - even more so. But eyelid surgery is one of the first cosmetic surgery. Over 100 years have passed since the first "eyelid" has accumulated vast experience and developed the safest method.
There are several methods blepharoplasty, they depend on the tasks assigned to the surgeon. And any method practically leaves no visible trace operation.
Blepharoplasty makes to the state of health of the patient certain requirements and has limitations. Plastic surgery is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases in exacerbation undergoing surgery vision correction, with increased intraocular pressure before surgery requires submission of all general medical tests, tests for allergic reactions to medications, cardiogram. It is not recommended to do such operation in the summer, in hot weather.
All operations are performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and do not last more than one hour. Throughout the day, until the evening the patient is under medical supervision. Rehabilitation period occurs within a month. Much depends on the age and general health. Sutures are removed after a week, and post-operative swelling, dark circles under the eyes hold out for 2-3 weeks. During this month, it is not recommended to strain your eyes reading, use lenses have great exercise. Compliance with these recommendations in the postoperative period, a healthy lifestyle, good sleep, avoiding harmful habits and a positive attitude to life guarantees you preserve rejuvenation effect for at least five to seven years.