Vitamins for beautiful skin

Vitamins for beautiful skin
 The skin condition is dependent not only on the external care. The main role is played daily meals. If it's full and healthy, then the skin will be fresh, rosy and clean. A beauty treatments will only hide its small flaws.
 If skin began to peel off, there appeared to acne or pigmentation, then surely the reason lies in the absence of the necessary vitamins in the diet. It is therefore important to understand what vitamins should be given special attention, and how they affect the condition of the skin.

Vitamin A (beta carotene)

It promotes elasticity, so if the skin becomes loose, dry and flaky, the urgent need to increase your intake of vitamin A. It is found in fish oil (daily rate - 2 tbsp. Tablespoons), liver (100 grams), carrots (300 grams) dried apricots (100 grams). Beta-carotene rich zucchini, pumpkin, milk products, butter and eggs.

B vitamins

They moisturize the skin and therefore it becomes a healthy, reduced allergic reactions, skin tissue recovered and the environment less impact on her. Necessary to use about 2 mg of each vitamin, which is part of this group. B vitamins found in eggplants, beans, vegetables, fish, beef, eggs and lamb.

Vitamin C

Affects the production of collagen, which is the basis of connective tissue and through which the skin becomes elastic, and blood vessels stronger. Unfortunately, the views of experts differ on the count of how many you need to use this vitamin daily, but most states that approximately 200-450 mg. This amount can be consumed by eating 0, 5 kg of apples "Antonovka" or 2 oranges. Vitamin C is found in kiwi fruit, blackcurrants, potatoes, color and sauerkraut, cranberries and lemon.

Vitamin D

It tones the skin and keeps moisture in it. It also slows the aging process. Much vitamin D is found in seafood, cabbage, fatty varieties of sea fish, milk, eggs. In addition, the vitamin D is produced during exposure to the sun, so do not avoid it completely in the summer - just the right way to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

Vitamin E

This vitamin renews skin cells and smoothes out wrinkles. On the day of recommended use of up to 100 mg of vitamin E. It is sufficient in seeds, nuts, corn oil, beet.

Tags: skin care, vitamin