Toning mask to clean pores

 If you have oily skin, enlarged pores and comedones, you can cook at home cleansing mask. Take a cosmetic clay, blue or emerald. For the face and neck enough tablespoon.

Add to clay teaspoon dried and ground orange peel and finely ground coffee. To mask did not go to the dense layer on the face, grab a soda at the tip of a teaspoon and a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar and soda very well cleaned.

Extinguish soda vinegar - get bubbling air mass. It slowly add water and stir this mixture to liquid slurry. Then add this mixture of clay pulp, peel and coffee.

And at the end - a few drops of an essential oil. The essential oil is different for different skin types. For oily skin, you can add tea tree oil. Three drops of essential oil to mask enough. Do not overdo it, and you can get burned.

Face clean. Then his fingers to put the mask. Relax for fifteen minutes until facial mask hardens and will be light blue or light green color. On the surface manifest spots. It will dissolve comedones. Mask rinse with warm water.

Tags: mask, cleansing, purification