How to make a beautiful knees

How to make a beautiful knees
 Have not you noticed that the pants seem like younger than in a skirt? This is not surprising, because my knees give the woman's age is not worse than the hands. Therefore, they require no less meticulous care than the face and body.
 On lap often formed fat deposits, and the skin on them coarsens and becomes rough. To preserve their beauty, primarily take care of the health of feet. Wear comfortable shoes, not deformed foot. In addition, the Exercise regularly to keep feet in good shape. Excess fat goes when inflated and pulled the front thigh muscle. This well help stretching, dancing and any exercise associated with a constant voltage of the leg muscles.

To save knees smooth and soft, it is useful to use different modeling cream that support the skin's elasticity and prevent the development of cellulite. During bath procedures do not forget to scrub your knees. For this fit a normal body scrub. After the bath, do not forget to put the cream - you can take an ordinary foot cream.

In addition, the skin should follow the knees, the state of the vessels and knee joints. Take a clove of garlic, lemon and celery root, chop it all in a meat grinder, add the honey and take one teaspoon of this mixture before breakfast. This folk remedy brings salt from joints, so your knees do not swell.

Remember, too, that the legs swell less, if you give them enough rest in the correct position when watching a movie or reading a book, keep your feet up, in a horizontal position.

To return the knees healthy and attractive look, do the following tincture: Chop dried eucalyptus leaves, pour vodka (1/5 liter three tablespoons of the leaves), leave for 2 weeks. Tincture need to rub on his knees before bedtime.

The skin on his knees remained smooth and delicate, do warm wraps of a mixture of yogurt (2 tablespoons) with eucalyptus oil (2 teaspoons). Treatment time - 20 minutes, you need to repeat it a couple of times a week. Instead of eucalyptus is recommended to use potato starch.

If you do not like the color of your knees - or even reddish brown - can whiten them. To do this, mix three tablespoons of yogurt with a few drops of cucumber and lemon juice, apply on the skin and thoroughly spread. This mask is also good heats joints.

Tags: knee