How to get rid of warts by folk remedies

How to get rid of warts by folk remedies
 Warts - it growths on the skin caused by the human papilloma virus that can be transmitted by direct contact with the patient or the objects to which it relates. Appearing, warts can spread throughout the body.
 Of course, for the removal of warts today there are various methods of traditional medicine, such as freezing with liquid nitrogen, laser therapy and others. However, we know and a lot of folk ways to forget about these unsympathetic remainders.

One of the most ancient medicine for warts is a raw potato. Cut in half potato or a slice of potato peels wipe all the warts several times a day. Has good properties and onion juice that lubricates the warts and allowed to dry. You can also rub the cut garlic growths, with warts eventually turn red and then fall off. Very young growths output dandelion juice daily rubbing the lesion.

Sufficiently efficient and fast, but pretty painful way to removing warts - a drop of acetic acid on the problem. It is desirable to leave open only the wart itself, so as not to get burned skin around it.

You can output growths and with the help of celandine. If lubricate the juice of this plant wart twice a day, it will darken over time and then fall off. To get rid of it faster after cauterization juice it can be cut nail scissors.

Some treat warts and so. A small amount of ash is mixed with two to three drops of castor oil to form a thick mixture, similar to the ointment. Lubricate the wart and tightly perebintovyvayut. Dressing changes, greasing problem areas twice a day.

Plantar warts can be treated using the following procedure. Leg steamed in soapy water with soda, cut off the top layer of the build-up, wipe the leg and is applied to problem areas piece of raw meat. Oilcloth cover the affected area with a bandage and rewind. This armband worn without removing, for 4 days, preventing the ingress of moisture. After that unwound the bandage again steamed leg and cut the remaining wart with small scissors. If the first time the wart is completely disconnected, the procedure is repeated.

Tags: means wart