How to get rid of acne fast

How to get rid of acne fast
 Acne makes skin unattractive and disguise problem areas of foundation and powder making matters worse, clogging the pores. Quickly get rid of blackheads will help proper nutrition and traditional medicines.
 To clear the skin from acne, limit the intake of starchy foods, sweet, spicy and fatty. Give up alcohol. Add in more green food. Dill, parsley and sorrel promote rapid cleansing of the skin, giving it a youth and beauty. Drink on an empty stomach carrot and beet juices. Do not forget about the fruits and berries. Some of them are useful to put on the face as a mask. For example, for cleansing face mask prepare strawberry. Mash a small handful of strawberries, add a few drops of lemon juice and whisk it all with a raw egg protein. Apply the mask to cleansed skin and wash off after 10 minutes with warm, then cold water.

The effective result of getting rid of acne give herbal teas and infusions. As lotions, as well as for daily wiping person fit chamomile infusion. 2 tablespoons crushed chamomile flowers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then soak in the infusion of cheesecloth and apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Or wipe your face this infusion with a cotton swab in the morning and evening.

Wash your face regularly milk. In addition, the ice clears the face washing. Wipe your face with a frozen piece of lemon water. To this dilute lemon juice polstakana the same amount of water. Use purified water or mineral. For one procedure only one piece of ice. Wipe them face sliding movements are not more than 1-2 minutes. Then wash with cool water.

For the treatment of acne select ointment containing salicylic acid. In the form of cosmetics suitable cleansing gels, but from fatty creams have to give. If unpleasant problem persists, contact your dermatologist. Possible to eliminate acne cosmetic need cleaning.

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